現在地 : ホーム > 英語 > 聴解 > 変わった職業



Strange jobs

What do you want to be? Do you want to be a doctor, a teacher, or a lawyer? What about these interesting jobs?

First, there is a fruit colorer. He or she colors fruits.

Second, it is an odor judger. He or she smells armpits or dirty diapers, and helps to make perfumes and better diapers.

Lastly, a furniture tester just sits and tests the furniture. He or she helps to make more comfortable furniture.

Do you want to have one of these jobs?


  1. What does an odor judge smell?
    a. sweet fruits
    b. dirty diapers
  2. Which is an intersesting job in this article?
    a. fruit colorer
    b. lawyer